Tailored treatments

Whatever the look and feel you want to achieve, Dr Sophie Herbert will tailor the treatment focussing on results with minimal intervention.

Dr Sophie Herbert’s Approach

Dr Sophie Herbert provides a safe, confidential and non-judgemental atmosphere in clinic. Having attended Aesthetics clinics herself and being intimidatingly told all the treatments she should have, Sophie knows how important it is to not worsen insecurities, maintain you looking natural and still like you. Sophie aims to give you a refreshed appearance that leaves you feeling confident in your own skin.

Free consultations have been an important part of Sophie’s practice since inception, designed to give you the information you need to be able to make a decision on which treatment is right for you. Sophie will suggest treatments available in both her clinic and across the Aesthetics industry to ensure that as a client you can make a fully informed decision. There will be no hard selling.

Many clients in Sophie’s clinic are brand new to Aesthetics. It is a big step to start your journey and Sophie is here to help you throughout yours, going as fast or as slow as is comfortable for you. Sophie dedicates enough time per client and there will be no conveyor belt clinic.

Sophie is a strong believer in a holistic approach in aesthetics, whilst it is possible to fix a line or fill one area, Sophie provides a full assessment and tackles signs of ageing with a multi-faceted approach resulting in a more natural and improved results.

It is completely natural to age, and Sophie won’t aim to stop or significantly reverse the clock on your appearance. We must remember that it is a luxury to grow and become older. Sophie is pro-ageing designed to make you look the best version of yourself for your age.

‘I am not providing anti-ageing treatments… in my clinic, we are pro-age’!

Dr Sophie Herbert

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